My name is Bobby Sapovits. Welcome to my home. Actually, just my basement and attic. Here, you will find information regarding bikes, some of my photography, and (if you are so inclined) learn about my daughter Max. She's the one with the extra chromosone. Max's page may not be to everyone's liking- it is very graphic.
As for myself, I began riding while in high school a long time ago. (None of your business how long that is.) While trained as a photographer/filmaker, I have been working in bike shops for the last fifteen years. I have worked and managed several bike shops in the Philadelphia area over that time. I worked for a manufacturer for a short time (just before they went belly up) and have been building custom steel frames for fifteen years. Framebuilding is more a hobby than a profession. I build mostly for myself. About the only thing I have not done is race. (Although I have been a wrench for a Snowshoe/Canaan 24 hour team.) I am also a Clydesdale. For those of you unfamiliar with the term, a clydesdale is a cyclist that is large. Usually over 200 pounds. Easy. I make that with a lot to spare.
I left the bike shop when Maxine was born in April of 1999 to be a full time dad. Currently I am in semi-retirement trying to figure out what I wanna do with my life. Over the last year or two, I have spent a lot of time in front of this 'wonderbox' learning web design. Which is why you are reading this. My first real website is now finally a reality. is a website for my former employer, Cycle Sonic of Rockledge, PA. Check it out and let me know what you think. I have also been mulling over a web based business called Clydesdalebike. It would cater to cyclists, who like myself, are 'larger' than those around us. I have found over the years some things that make riding more comfortable for clydesdales and junos. I am not sure it is ever going to happen but in the meantime, you can check out some of my auctions on e-Bay. I am curious as to your thoughts on this idea, please e-mail me and let me know if you might be a potential customer or even just to say hello.
What I am currently offering here is some interesting catalogs and brochures about some older (and stranger) bike components. I call it The Bicycle Info Project. Check back every so often for updates and changes. I even have a page for my very first 'real' bike, a Dawes Galaxy I bought in 1975.
If you need photographic/design/web services, you can see my portfolio here.
Click here to link to my Wachovia/First Union/US Pro Championship race photos.
I have just completed a site about restoring a Dynascope RV-6 reflecting telescope. Click here to 'scope' it out.
My brother and friend Mike on tour in (a very hot) North Carolina back in the eighties. If you would like to see some more of my photography, click here or on the photograph.
The other shot is yours truly after a very wet and very scary (bear!) ride in West Virginia in 1993. The bike is one of my own frames. If you want to see some more of my photographic prowess, click here. Or if you would like to see some ot the frames I've designed and built, click here. |
"bobequus, clydesdalebike, equus cycle frames", et al copyright 2001-2008 Robert Sapovits